To invest in our children is to invest in the future of Jefferson Parish.
Become an early care and education champion today!

Jefferson Ready Start Network aims to create a culture of high-quality, comprehensive early childhood services through engagement and partnerships with families, educators and community members.
All children birth to age 5 in Jefferson Parish have access to quality early childhood experiences that will prepare them to succeed.

In Jefferson Parish…
There are

28k children birth to age 5

15-21k are economically disadvantaged

~4k are served by publicly funded seats
Why Does This Matter?
- 90% of brain development occurs before the age of 5.
- Children in a quality early learning center are 25% more likely to graduate from high school and 25% more likely to graduate from college.
- Children not in quality early learning centers are 70% more likely to commit a violent crime by age 18.
- Parents who can’t afford early care and education are forced to miss work more often, making it hard on businesses to find workers.
- The Louisiana economy loses over 1.3 billion dollars every year due to breakdowns in our child care system.
Jefferson Ready Start Network is driven by our community’s need to improve opportunities and inspire change for children from birth to 5. We aim to create a culture of high-quality, comprehensive early childhood services through engagement and partnerships with families, educators and community members.